CCL Peter Greenfield reviews Anthony Reddie’s ‘Is God Colour-Blind?’
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A review of The Story of Roehampton University for Local and Community History Month
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Ollie Cem reviews ‘Nature Obscura’ by Kelly Brenner
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Kat Gupta talks about the new book Non-Binary Lives: an anthology of intersecting identities, which Kat co-edited.
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As part of LGBT+ History Month at Southlands College, Nicola Morrison reviews Undivided by Vicky Beeching.
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As part of LGBT+ History Month, we’re beginning a series of book reviews.
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Community Chaplaincy Worker Bill Topping reviews The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder.
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Methodist Chaplain Nicola Morrison reviews This Book is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell.