Simonetta Calderini received an award through the SMT small grants programme 2018/19.
She is participating in an event at King’s College London on Wed 11th October, a Research Seminar in Religious Studies entitled ‘Women’s Mosques, Female Imams, and Muslim Debates: Discussing New Books’, alongside Tazeen Ali and Jesper Petersen.
This joint book event celebrates the recent publication of three books on female authority in Islam that are rooted in different scholarly approaches and focus on diverse geographic contexts. Employing a range of research methodologies from historico-theological and legal approaches to textual analysis and ethnography, three scholars focus on examples throughout global Islamic history as well as in the contemporary contexts of Denmark, the UK, and the USA. In this panel discussion, Simonetta Calderini, Jesper Petersen, and Tazeen Ali address questions like: How is female religious authority exercised, justified, and received? How do Muslim women make known and expand their contribution to mosque life and to the religious experience of Muslim communities? And, ultimately, how do Muslim women in create and legitimise alternative and inclusive conceptions of Islamic authority?