The chaplaincy team at the University of Roehampton, with the support of the Susanna Wesley Foundation, is embarking on an exciting new initiative: the ‘Most Significant Change’ project.
The purpose of the ‘Most Significant Change’ project is to explore the contribution which chaplaincy makes to the life of the University and to find ways of capturing that contribution. The ‘Most Significant Change’ methodology grew out of attempts to identify the impact of social change interventions and has been adopted by a number of development programmes across the world. It involves a structured process for identifying different purposes and domains of change, for gathering stories by those involved in the work, for reflecting on those stories, and for involving various stakeholders in that reflection.
It is anticipated that the process will encourage dialogue between members of the chaplaincy team, tease out different perspectives and values, facilitate the identification of purpose, and demonstrate impact, while helping those involved to celebrate what they do. The team will also be reflecting on the methodology itself.
Watch this space, and follow the Susanna Wesley Foundation, to hear what the project uncovers.