Project title:
Lifelong Reader: new stories
“[This project] will [provide] rich data sources for understanding aspects of ageing identity, via narrative and memory.”

Dr Alison Waller
School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for Inclusive Humanities
University of Roehampton
Project proposal:
‘Lifelong Reading: New Stories’ investigates a new creative form of life review for older adults living with early-stage dementia. The project recognises the significance of early reading and childhood books, and explores how far such stories – and shifting memories of them – might act as a starting point for rethinking narratives of ageing identity. A children’s literature specialist (Principal Investigator), a creative writer and a book artist, will work with individuals in a care setting to co-create bespoke ‘fictional life-review books’ based on meaningful childhood stories interwoven with autobiographical fragments. These artefacts will be used by participants, their families and carers, and will represent rich data sources for understanding aspects of ageing identity via narrative and memory.

Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash
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